Self and wellbeing laboratory

Our laboratory is called the Self and Wellbeing laboratory because we examine how trait constructs affect various aspects of health and wellbeing. We focus mainly on self-compassion and its effects on wellbeing. 

Currently we are examining:

-- The influence of certain personality factors on behaviors (e.g. hoarding limited resources, mask wearing) during the pandemic.

-- Personality factors influencing online dating aggression and harassment

-- Participant preference and receptivity of different mechanisms of delivery for self-compassion inductions

--Whether survivor/victim labels affect certain outcomes (e.g. self-compassion, self-blame) following traumatic events

--The ability of repeated self-compassion inductions to reduce self-reported and physiological correlates of stress

Work in my lab

Student research experience is very important to me. It is my goal to help students gain practical and useful skills that would benefit them in graduate school or research-oriented jobs following graduation. Experience in my lab consists of running participants through protocols (for certain studies), experience with database maintenance, analysis, and presentation at conferences, and potential co-authorship on manuscripts submitted for publication. Students will also have the opportunity to create their own studies. 

It is expected that students be a part of the lab for at least two semesters for either course credit (first through the Applied Experience option and then through either Independent Study or Senior Seminar) or on a volunteer basis. My goal, as a research mentor, is to invest time in students who will produce tangible results for themselves (presentations, manuscripts, etc.). This cannot be done in a single semester as lab processes require IRB training, protocol development and/or training, etc. The first semester is basically a lot of development and training with some data collection while the second semester is data analysis, writing, and presentation.

To apply to my lab, feel free to e mail me at